"Virtual Environments: Is One Life Enough" FALL 2012 ONLINE CLASSES

iole innovation awardVirtual Environments: Is one life enough is an award-winning, university-level course on the professional use of social media, including Second Life, Facebook, Twitter, blogging, and YouTube. The course is taught online at the Dublin Institute of Technology in Dublin Virtually Live Campus. Students attend as Avatars and maintain online journals.

FALL 2012 online classes start THURSDAY, February 9th, 12noon PST. Dublin Virtually Live Sponsored Registrations are available for selected Second Life students at a significant discount. If interested please apply per below.


Send an email immediately to sitearm@gmail.com, expressing your interest to register. I will immediately send you an application.

iole class live screen shotClasses start THURSDAY, February 9th, at 12noon PST at the DIT in DVL campus.
Students should log into SL at least 15 minutes early to every class for sound check.
Virtual Environments: Is One Life Enough?
. Starting February 9th, 12noon-1:30pm Pacific Standard Time (8pm-9:30pm Irish Standard Time)
. 90 Minutes Per Class
. One Class Per Week
. Assignments Between Classes
. 12 Weeks
. 5 College Course Credits through Dublin Institute of Technology


A thorough knowledge of how online virtual environments and networking communities function is becoming increasingly essential for anyone working in cultural industries. In this module students will explore the creation, management and exploitation of content in blogs, online social networking sites, virtual worlds such as Second Life, video and picture hosting sites etc. The outcome will be an understanding of how to use these applications to achieve professional goals.

The module will be delivered entirely in Second Life, an online virtual environment manifested as a visual world accessed through a personalised avatar. Students will explore how the environment functions and examine and evaluate the way in which a virtual presence is created. They will establish and maintain virtual relationships and reflect critically on the process through a personal blog and postings on their social networking sites.

There is a strong focus on the impact of the regulations and conventions governing the creation and exploitation of content in various contexts to enable students to apply the theory of content creation in online spaces.

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
. Access online virtual environments and networking communities to carry out specific activities;
. Create and manage their presence in virtual spaces;
. Establish and maintain virtual relationships;
. Explain how the regulations and conventions operating in online virtual environments and networking communities support the creation and management of content;
. Describe the potential outcomes from creating content;
. Apply this knowledge to create and exploit original content for online virtual environments and networking communities.

The module is worth 5 ECTS credits.

Learning Without Frontiers 2012 Award

Dublin Institute of Technology Social Media Course Now Available In Dublin Virtually Live

Dublin Institute of Technology in Dublin Virtually Live

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